Tuesday, October 11, 2016

active minds


There have been recent cutbacks in physical education funding as well as recess. Which is unfortunate and even with all the studies we have that show the major benefits physical activity has on students academics, there are teachers and even administrators and even some parts who say otherwise. It's not to say they don't have their right to their opinion, in fact I'm open to opinions on this post on this subject, whether you agree it's beneficial or not. I agree we need to focus on the importance of other subjects, but allowing the students mind to breathe through physical education or just a simple recess and give them that break benefits their education more than most teachers understand. Some physical education teachers work to collaborate with other teachers and even to incorporate other subjects in their lessons. So why cut back on physical education and recess with so many positive statistics? Its because most individuals believe that its is a waste of time that be used for more time studying and preparations for major testing, such as SATs or PARCC testing, to increase the scores of their districts or class.

benefits of physical activity on academic results

Thursday, September 29, 2016

keep on moving- first post

Hello! My name is Laura and I am new to the blogging world. I am a Physical Education major in the MATCP -Physical Education program. I found through my years of schooling that the main point my teachers have always brought up is to keep the kids moving, thus the name of my blog.

I've always been an active person, I don't like sitting around doing nothing. If that ever happened in my physical education class when I was younger, I was so bored, but luckily teachers have found a way around this sitting while others are playing. We've even developed ways to keep students moving in a classroom with kinesthetic classrooms. This is something that I am actually doing an independent study on with one of my teachers, and I am very excited to do so. I am working on creating an layout for a kinesthetic classroom and hopefully me and my teacher can obtain a grant to actually be able to build it. Exciting stuff, I know!  I feel that kinesthetic classroom will be beneficial to all students. It will keep them moving and there are so many options for kinesthetic furniture. So they wouldn't have to be just pedaling. they could use a kneel and spin or a strider. All these things allow the student to be active in class.

This link here shows the different classroom furniture you can get for your classroom

kinesthetic furniture

I don't want to blab on too much more, but I am excited to share my experiences with you!